Lincoln City Christian School

A place where your child can grow.


Our handbook is a living document that is primarily published online here. This document is subject to revision, change, or elimination as needed throughout the year without notice.

School Mission Statement

Lincoln City Christian School seeks to inspire its students to excel academically, serve unselfishly, and honor God completely.


Our students are children of God, and we desire to lead them into a deeper relationship with Christ.

Contact Information

2126 NE Surf Avenue
Lincoln City, Oregon 97367
Phone: 541-994-5181
Website: https://www.

School Hours

Monday – Thursday             8:15 am – 3:15 pm

Friday                                     8:15 am – 12:15 pm

Early Dismissal Days end at 12:15 pm and will be marked on the calendar.

Doors open at 8:00 am  

Teaching Staff

Angie Wright


Eric. Valdes Grades 4-6
Tanya McCombs Grades 1-3
John McCombs Grade 7-8  




Lincoln City Christian School is fully accredited through:

  • National Council for Private School Accreditation
  • Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Adventist Accrediting Association

Teachers are certified and regularly participate in continuing education to keep current in best teaching practices.

The School Board

Lincoln City Christian School is owned by the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The school is operated by Lincoln City Seventh-day Adventist Church. The school board is comprised of representatives from the church. Board members are the constituents’ voice in school matters. The representatives meet on a monthly basis to determine operating guidelines and policies. Board meetings – except executive sessions - are open to parents and constituents. Parents may address the school board upon request. Monthly meetings are generally held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 P.M.

Admission Procedures

  1. New students also need to: complete an interview with the classroom teacher, principal, or school board chair; provide a copy of birth certificate
  2. Complete an enrollment application for each child 
  3. Provide an updated certificate of immunization
  4. Complete all applicable consent forms
  5. Arrange finances
  6. First grade students must turn six years old by September 1 of the year they enroll. Kindergarteners need to be 5.

All newly enrolled students are accepted on a probationary status.  While we desire to meet the needs of every child, there may be some students with highly specialized needs or who are academically or behaviorally challenged who may receive better or more appropriate service in a different educational setting. The school board reserves the right to require a student whose needs cannot be properly accommodated to withdraw from the school.

Finances and Scholarships

Tuition and fees are reviewed annually by the school board.  Every effort is made to keep tuition at a reasonable level so that families of limited means are not excluded. All students attending this school pay reduced tuition due to subsidies from the local Seventh-day Adventist church and the Oregon Conference.

Lincoln City Christian School takes pride in the wide variety of educational opportunities we offer our students. We respect our students and strive to provide them with the best education our resources allow. In return, we ask that families respect our school and understand that maintaining a quality education is dependent on families keeping their tuition payments current.

Families experiencing temporary difficulty in making a payment should contact the school immediately. The school will do all it can to work with the family in an understanding manner.

Tuition covers only a part of the operating expense of our school. Gifts are greatly needed, and any gift will be appreciated. As an IRS-recognized nonprofit entity, your gifts will be tax-deductible.

Our school strives to make Adventist Education affordable for every family.  Because we believe that every child deserves to know Christ, we do our best to match each family with the best scholarships available.  All scholarships are needs-based and are processed through FACTS Tuition Management.

Please see the Tuition Rates and School Fees sheet from the office for current tuition rates. 

Other Fees

There will be other charges throughout the school year for school supplies, PE uniforms, field trips, graduation, lost books, etc.  These charges may appear on your statement.


Fundraisers help to keep tuition as low as it is.  Fundraisers also provide money for tuition assistance, enriched academic activities, and improvements to the curriculum and physical plant.

Fundraisers should do more than just raise money; they should also develop and encourage good values. All fundraisers must operate under the guidance and approval of the school administration and the school board.  In general, fundraisers should provide a valuable good or service to the community and respect the beliefs and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 

Volunteer School Support

Our school thrives because of the dedication of many parents.  We encourage each family to volunteer ten hours per school year.  Parents are needed in the classrooms, for a lunch program, various events, and fundraising.



To maintain a positive and supportive Christian learning environment, students will:

  • Encourage and facilitate learning.
  • Model and uphold Christian qualities and principles.
  • Respect and honor others, themselves, and God.
  • Respond positively to authority.
  • Value and care for their own property and the property of others.
  • Abstain from using profanity, harsh, vulgar, or suggestive language.
  • Display respect for themselves and all others at school. 
  • Show reverence during prayer, Bible class, Chapel, and all religious services conducted on and off-campus.

Students will work to avoid:

  • Lying, cheating, stealing or engaging in any other dishonest behavior.
  • Using, having possession of or facilitating in the transfer of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia.
  • Possessing weapons or items that might pose a threat to the safety of others.
  • Demeaning, threatening, or bullying others.
  • Physically harming others or engaging in rough, unkind, or potentially harmful behavior.
  • Sexually suggestive language or activity.
  • Chewing gum without direct permission from a teacher.

Substance Abuse Policy

Students will abstain from the use or transfer of tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, and controlled substances.  Students found possessing these items or drug paraphernalia, whether for personal use or distribution to others, will be expelled.

Dress Code Policy

The school desires to project a positive Christian image. The principles that guide the dress policy are standards of excellence that encourage each student's modesty, simplicity, cleanliness, safety, and health.

The school administration reserves the right to make a final determination on the appropriateness of student attire. Students are expected to adhere to the following guidelines while at school and during extra-curricular school functions:

  • Students will choose attire that is positive, neat, clean, modest, and appropriate to the activity. Appropriate refers to clothing that is not ripped, soiled, or does not provide adequate coverage to ensure modesty.
  • Students will choose attire that represents our school mission and philosophy to excel academically, honor God completely, and respect both themselves and others. 
  • Students will choose attire that is free of logos, pictures, or messages of any kind related to music, video games, movies and TV shows, except for school-provided attire.
  • Students will choose jewelry that is simple, modest, and safe. Safe refers to jewelry that does not have sharp edges or points, earrings that do not hang below the ear lobe, and necklaces that can be tucked inside the shirt.

School Relationships

Students will manifest good taste in all social relationships. Mixed association will be in a group setting at all times. Displays of romantic affection are not acceptable at school or during school activities by unmarried persons.

Oregon Conference Sexual Harassment Policy

The Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Office of Education (The Oregon Conference) prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment of any kind. This policy defines these terms and provides a complaint procedure for all persons described in subsection (5)(b) of Senate Bill 197 (SB197) who believe they have been victims of prohibited conduct. 


This policy includes sexual harassment of students by students or staff members; sexual harassment of staff members by students or other staff members; and sexual harassment of persons described in subsection (5)(b) of SB197 by students or staff members. It may also encompass any conduct that a reasonable person in the individual’s circumstances would consider unwelcome, hostile, intimidating, threatening, humiliating, abusive, offensive, or violent behavior that is not necessarily illegal, but is still prohibited by this policy. 


Discrimination and Harassment

It is the Oregon Conference policy to provide a learning environment free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, age, or physical or mental disability, or any other characteristic protected by federal or state law. Beyond the legal requirements, it is the expectation for all members of our school community that we follow Biblical counsel and Jesus’ example to respect and affirm every person as made in the image of God and loved deeply by Him. 


It is our policy that all students, staff members, volunteers, and visitors to the school are entitled to a respectful and productive learning environment free from behavior, action, or language that constitutes harassment or discrimination. The “school” includes when any individual is on school premises, at a school-sponsored off-site event, traveling on behalf of the school, or conducting school business, regardless of location.


Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of harassment and includes, but is not limited to 1) unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature, explicit or implicit; 2) unwelcome verbal or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with performance or creating a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment.


Sexual Abuse or Assault

Sexual Abuse or Assault is 1) conduct of a sexual nature directed toward a person younger than the age of consent or a person who is unable to give consent; 2) unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that is inflicted upon a person or compelled through the use of physical force, psychological or emotional manipulation, threat, or intimidation.


Prohibited Conduct

This policy prohibits conduct based on an individual’s protected status. The following examples, while not comprehensive, represent prohibited behavior:


●      Physical harassment, including but not limited to unwelcome physical contact such as touching, impeding or blocking movement, or any physical interference; 


●      Verbal harassment, including but not limited to disparaging or disrespectful comments, jokes, slurs, innuendoes, teasing, and other sexual talk such as jokes, personal inquiries, persistent unwanted courting and derogatory insults;


●      Nonverbal harassment, including but not limited to suggestive or insulting sounds, obscene gestures, leering or whistling; 


●      Visual harassment, including but not limited to displays of explicit or offensive calendars, circulation of derogatory content, posters, pictures, drawings or cartoons that reflect disparagingly upon a class of persons or a particular person;


●      Sexual harassment, as described above, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances or requests for favors in exchange for conduct of a sexual nature; 


●      Sharing, requesting, or having possession of inappropriate photos of a sexual nature. (Sexting is the sending of nude or sexually explicit images by cell phone, smartphone, or other electronic devices. Teenagers in Oregon who share nude or sexual images of minors may be prosecuted under the state’s child pornography laws.)

Disciplinary Action

The Oregon Conference will not tolerate discriminatory conduct, harassment, or sexual assault. Any individualfound to have engaged in such conduct may face disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. 


Protection Against Retaliation 

The Oregon Conference prohibits retaliation against any individual for filing a complaint regarding conduct in violation of this policy. The Oregon Conference will not tolerate retaliation against any student or staff member for raising a good faith concern, for providing information related to a concern, or for otherwise cooperating in an investigation of a reported violation of this policy. 


Reporting Procedure

1.     Any student or staff member aware of or experiencing discrimination, harassment, or sexual assault at school or participating in school-related activities should report that information immediately and maymake the report verbally or in writing to an immediate supervisor or school administration. 

2.     The school administrator/principal shall contact his/her superintendent to report any information or incident he/she becomes aware of regarding discrimination, harassment, or sexual assault. 

3.     If the report is of sexual abuse or assault and involves a student, the staff member shall also immediately fulfill his or her duties as a mandatory reporter by contacting either local law enforcement or the Child Abuse Hotline for their state.

  1. The Oregon Conference will work in cooperation with the principal to coordinate efforts to ensure the student/staff is protected and to promote a nonhostile learning environment by:
    1. providing resources for support measures to the student/staff
    2. taking any action necessary to remove future impact on the student/staff
    3. investigating and document all complaints
    4. communicating with involved students/staff and parents. The individual who initiated the complaint and, if applicable, the student’s parents shall be notified:

                                               i.     when an investigation is initiated

                                             ii.     of the protected rights of the student reporting 

                                            iii.     when an investigation is concluded and whether a violation of this policy was found to have occurred

  1. documenting action(s) taken.
  2. Local law enforcement may be involved if required by the facts of the incident. 


Time Limitations

Nothing in this policy precludes any person from filing a formal grievance to the Bureau of Labor and Industries’ Civil Rights Division or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Note that Oregon state law requires that any legal action taken on alleged discriminatory conduct (specifically that prohibited by ORS 659A.030, 659A.082 or 659A.112) commence no later than five years after the occurrence of the violation. Other applicable laws may have a shorter time limitation on filing.”

Incident Reporting

Parents and students are encouraged to speak with administration or a trusted staff member when they have a safety concern. If the parent or student wishes to remain anonymous, they may use this link to our anonymous reporting form. 


Lincoln City Christian School maintains a closed campus.  Students will remain on the campus during school hours.

Ideally, no student should ever miss a day of school.  Families will schedule doctor’s appointments, orthodontic or dental exams, or vacations when school is out of session.

State Law: State law requires that students maintain regular attendance. No more than five (5) unexcused absences per semester are permitted.    

Absences.  If a student must miss school for illness or any other reason for which previous arrangements have not been made, parents are expected to notify the school office. 

Excused Absences - The following reasons constitute excused absences and require a written note from the parent or guardian:

  1. Health and family emergencies
  2. Doctor and dental appointments (emergencies only please)
  3. Death of a family member or close friend.
  4. Administratively approved and prearranged absences. (the form is in the school office)

Excessive Unexcused Absences – The local truant officer will be contacted if there are five or more absences without any communication from parents, and after repeated attempts to contact the parents.

Punctuality.  It is important that students are on time at the beginning of a school day.  If a student is tardy a written excuse is requested from the parents. 

Tardiness and Absence will affect the student’s grades. While students need to be on time, they should not be on campus before 8:00 am.  In addition, the parent or guardian should send a written and signed excuse for the student’s absence within two days of the student’s return. Students who have been gone for five (5) days or more should also have a written excuse from the student’s primary health care provider.

Leaving Campus

Parents must provide the school with written permission, in advance when they wish for their student to leave campus with someone other than his/her parent/guardian.  Adults, other than a student’s parent/guardian, with whom students will periodically be leaving campus, should be listed on the pick-up list in the office.  We will update this list as often as necessary to best accommodate the changing needs of our families.

Leaving Campus with Non-guardians

Prior to students being released into anyone’s custody, parents must make arrangements with the classroom teacher regarding a child leaving with someone not on the school’s designated pick-up list.

Excused Absences

Students should make arrangements for class assignments 24 hours in advance if they plan to be absent from school for excused activities.


Students need to be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.  Students who have vomited should not return to school until 24 hours after the last time they vomited.  Students with coughs and other communicable diseases should stay home to accelerate their recovery time and prevent the spread of illness.


LCCS follows the protocol as outlined by the Oregon Dept. of Health recommendations for all Oregon schools.

Inclement Weather Days

  • For everyone's safety, if Lincoln County schools are closed due to inclement weather (icy roads, snow, high winds, etc.), Lincoln City Christian School will also be closed. If you are unsure if there is a school closure, you may call the school district information line at 541-265-4437 for confirmation.  Alternatively, you may listen to KBCH (AM 1400) or KCRF (FM 96.7) to hear if schools are closed.

The only exception to the above school closure procedure is on the rare occasion when the Lincoln County School District makes its closure decision based on a part of the county that does not impact the LCCS constituency. If it is deemed safe for people to drive in our part of Lincoln County, the principal may call a late start, and school will start at 10:00.  In this case, you will be notified by email or text message by 8:00 am. 

The safety of you and your child is of utmost importance, so if there is any doubt of you being able to drive safely to school this winter due to conditions where you live, please keep your child home until it is safe to travel.


Visiting Campus

Parents and guardians are welcome on campus for lunch at any time but should schedule other visits with the classroom teacher ahead of time.  Visitors should sign in at the office upon arrival.


Communication is vital between parent and teacher. Teachers are available after school and by appointment. Parent-student-teacher conferences are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th quarters to discuss the student’s progress.

The school values open and frequent communication. Our school succeeds only as parents, teachers, students, and members of the community work together to make it successful. Here are some ways that we try to keep these groups in touch with each other. 

Meeting with Teachers

Parent-teacher-student conferences take place after the first and third quarter report periods.  Parents and guardians may also make an after-school appointment with the teacher at any time during the school year to meet in person or on the phone. 

Report Cards

Report cards come out four times during the school year.  They include an evaluation of the student’s performance in school and his or her attendance record.


Because we believe in educating the whole person, when a student needs correction, our goal is for discipline to be redemptive in nature. Students are expected to:

  • Take full responsibility for their personal actions
  • Seek forgiveness from anyone they have offended or hurt
  • Develop a plan to avoid repeating inappropriate behaviors

Grievance Policy

If a student, parent, or guardian has a concern, that person’s first step should be to meet with the teacher or staff member who is directly involved.  If that doesn’t resolve the issue, then a second meeting should take place this time with the principal involved as well.  If the issue remains unresolved at that point, you may contact the school board chairman who will decide if the matter should come before the school board.

The staff desires to make consequences match the infraction. Consequences will vary depending on the individual case and category of infraction:


Redemptive Discipline

Meeting with Parents


Category One (Includes minor disturbances that prevent classroom order and instruction or lack of academic effort)


As needed when problem is repetitive

May be considered depending on severity and number of occurrences

Category Two (Includes activity and attitudes that show a lack of respect for authority)


As needed

May be considered depending on severity and number of occurrences

Category Three (Includes activities that threaten others’ safety, are in violation of Biblical moral code, or are in violation of federal, state, or city laws.)





Suspension or Expulsion

Before being reinstated following a suspension, a student may need to meet with the staff for the following reasons: 

  • To plan the best course of support after reinstatement and to ensure that the student understands the redemptive nature of the process.
  • To develop a behavioral contract outlining the steps the student will take to avoid inappropriate behavior in the future and the steps the school will take should the contract be violated.

Damaged Property

Students will be expected to pay for or replace all property that has been damaged or destroyed, either by accident or intentionally.  Students setting off fire extinguishers or alarms will incur a minimum fine of $25.00 plus the cost of recharging, repairing, and/or replacing fire equipment.

Violent Acts or Harassment

Students are strongly encouraged to report to a teacher all acts and threats of violence. Violent acts or perceived threats of violence will be treated as serious offenses. The parents of the offending student will be notified, and the offender may be suspended or sent home pending investigation of the offense. After investigating the situation and verifying the offense to have reasonably occurred, the school may require a professional psychological evaluation and clearance prior to the student returning to school. The other steps in the school’s discipline process will also apply.

Search and Seizure

If school administration or staff believes that evidence of a violation of school rules is contained in any desk, locker, or other property utilized by students, an inspection or search may be conducted to maintain the health, safety and welfare of all students. The confiscated property will be returned to parents following a conference with school administration.

Property Damage

Any deliberate damage or inappropriate behavior leading to damage of school property or injury to another person will be the financial responsibility of the student causing the damage and his/her parents/guardians.

Field Trips

Enriched instructional opportunities are provided through well-planned field trips. The school is responsible to provide adequate supervision and care to ensure the safe conduct of each child on such trips. Signed parental permission is required for each trip.  A fee may be charged for some field trips.  Before participating on a field trip, drivers and chaperones must have completed and approved volunteer and transportation forms on file in the school office.

Personal Items & Student Storage at School

Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be used unless permitted by the classroom teacher for a specific activity or reason.  Please see Technology Policy for additional information regarding personal electronic devices. Personal reading material that is brought to school should reflect Christian principles and be approved by the teacher.

Technology Policy

Students are expected to use the school’s technology to enhance their educational experience as well as the educational experience of their classmates.  Students may use school electronic devices only with staff permission.  Students are not permitted to use other students’ accounts or tamper with school programs, software, or websites.  Students are expected not to make unauthorized downloads of games, programs, etc.  Students’ electronic devices are a privilege at school, not a right.  Classroom teachers have the right to their classroom technology rules which their students will be expected to follow.

Students may use school computers only in supervised rooms.  Uploading any videos or pictures of teachers, staff, students, or school-sponsored events without permission may result in loss of technology access for the remainder of the semester.

As a part of the enrollment process, students will be required to sign an Acceptable Technology Use Agreement.


Snack Shack

The 7th-8th grade Snack Shack offers supplements to a student’s lunch and is available every day.


Students must be supervised on campus at all times. Parents are responsible for providing direct supervision once the child is under their care. This includes before school opens and after school hours, parent meetings, classroom programs, fundraising events, or parent-teacher conferences.

School Safety

The school’s front doors are kept locked during the day.  When you find the doors locked, please ring the bell located beside the door for admittance.  All guests and volunteers must sign in and wear a badge while in the school.

Since student safety is a priority, please report all safety concerns immediately to a teacher. The following items are not allowed on the school campus and will be confiscated permanently: fireworks, guns, knives, tools with blades, lighters, matches, and any other items deemed hazardous. Students are expected to report all threats of violence immediately. 

Emergencies and Drills

Emergency drills for fire, earthquake, and lockdown are practiced regularly.  If the school building is compromised for any reason, ex: storm damage, water shut off, etc., parents will be called, and students will be taken to the Lincoln City Christian Church where they can wait safely until they are picked up.  The church address is: 2335 NE 22nd Street, Lincoln City, Oregon 97367.


School Accident Insurance

Each student is covered by a Student Accident Insurance policy at no extra cost to the family.  This insurance provides secondary coverage to the parent’s own medical insurance but serves as primary insurance in cases where the family does not have health insurance. Accidents or injuries that occur while at school, or on school sponsored activities off-campus, must be reported immediately to their teacher or supervisor to ensure coverage.

Medical Emergencies

In the event of a serious injury requiring immediate medical attention, the school will attempt to contact the parent, guardian, or emergency contact as provided at registration by the parent. If no one can be contacted, necessary medical attention will be given and medical aid will be summoned as allowed by the Parental Consent to Medical Treatment on the student application form. Teachers and staff members will not give any medication (including aspirin or other over-the-counter pain relief) to a student without the written consent of a parent or guardian.  This approval must accompany the medication, which will be secured in the office. 

Reporting Abuse

Lincoln City Christian School complies with state regulations and guidelines regarding the reporting of suspected or observed abuse of students.  Because school employees are mandated reporters, when abuse in any form is suspected, it is not up to them to determine whether or not a report should be made.  Please know that it is our aim and desire to act in the best interest of the student at all times while complying with state law.


Please notify the teacher and school as far as possible in advance if you need to transfer your child to another school.  Parents or guardians may review and request amendments to their child’s educational documents before those documents are shared.  An official request for documents from the new school must be received in the school office before the student’s cumulative folder may be sent.

Exit Interview

All parents withdrawing their students during the school year will be asked to schedule an exit interview with the classroom teacher and the school administration.


There is friable asbestos in the Brown Fellowship Hall restrooms and the storage rooms off the stage.  This material is inspected regularly and is adequately contained.

Subject to Change

Any regulation adopted during the school year and published in a newsletter, email, or note home is just as binding as those published in this handbook.

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